Friday, July 27, 2007

The Church Around The World part four

The Church Around The World part four

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of the Seated Apostles and Seated prophets. I hear the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ saying I have call you all hear to hear my mind, and hear the heart of the Father. For you all will have one mind, which is the mind of Christ, and you will only have one heart, which is the heart of the Father.

The Holy Spirit then says to them, these things that I speak in these prophecies will begin to come to pass, and will continue to come to pass in this generation and then next generations. The signs of these prophetic words coming to pass will be the coming wealth; the signs of an apostle, revival, and the lion of reformation will be Release upon the church.

I see vision of the ocean of souls; The Holy Spirit says this ocean will fill with the activity of the Holy Spirit, I see a vision of ships coming across from city called the church. Built upon a great mountain called the Kingdom of God. These ships have come to gather the souls, these ships shall be full of these souls, and the times are coming for the great fishing of souls to begun.

I see a vision of an ocean of glory, the Holy Spirit says this is the coming glory, this is the coming acts of the Holy Spirit, this is the coming movements of the Holy Spirit, This is the coming revivals of the Holy Spirit, and I see gateway cities and these movements of the Holy Spirit are coming to footsteps of these gateway cities.

Now I see a vision of eagles and other like kind of birds flying above us, and I see great birds flying also above us. Then these birds fly over the ocean of souls and the ocean of glory, these birds then turn into water and poured into these two oceans.

I see from the footsteps of these gateway cities, came out from the two oceans men and women of God, these were the coming apostles that are coming to the gate cities, gateways cities, a certain set aside cities, and other divine cities.

I see these huge gates of these cities shut up, none goes in, and none goes out. I see these apostles with rods in there hands, call forth the believers that have an ear to hear, they come to gates of these cities, and open the gates to these apostles. It seems an anointing flows upon and among, and in the city as these gates open up to these apostles.

The Holy Spirit says to these apostles who are called to the gateway cities, and other cities around the world. I will open wide these gates for you; I will bring those who are called to labor with you by your side, and the apostolic anointing and apostolic grace will come upon these cities.

Those who have close these gates, I will close their gates, those who open these gates, and I will open their gates. I will bless these cities will open gates of the Kingdom of God.

I will bless these cities with open gates of:

The Gates of the Kingdom of God.

The Gates of the Forces of Wealth.

The Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Gates of the Throne Room.

The Gates of the Holy Spirit.

The Gates of the Church.

The Gates of Winds of Heaven, Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit says I will bless these cities with the city church, I will increase the church a 100fold, I will bring forth the 100fold anointing of growth and increase of the Church. I will rise up apostles and prophets, I will rise up a company of intercessors, I will rise up a marketplace army in these cities, and I will rise up marketplace apostles.

I see a vision of the church of these cities, the church is so huge, and that it seems that the church and the city are the same, that the city is in the church, and that the church is in the city.

This is a vision of the church around the world in the gateway cities of the world.

Then we hear the voice of the Father, He said He desires to pour out His love, mercy, goodness, and His plans upon the world, however He is waiting for His apostles and Prophets be set in their place all over the world, then this to begun.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Church Around The World part three

The Church Around The World part three

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of the seated apostles and prophets, they begun to speak about vision of the church around the world. Every time they said something and agree by grace and by truth and Spirit there were angels sent forth from the Throne Room to the church around the world.

I see a vision of the Church around the world. I see a vision what the Church shall be, this vision is not just for one member in the Body, this vision is for all members in the Body, this vision is not of one group or ministry, this is a vision of the church.

Jesus said He will build the Church and the gates of hell cannot stand against her, and that the church will be built upon the Rock of the Kingdom of God, which is Jesus Christ, the beginning of the Kingdom of God. The Church is the city of God built upon the great mountain called the Kingdom of God. This is the vision of the Church around the world. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

The Church is the salt of the world, the church is the light of the world, and the church is the city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, the church is the lampstand to the nations of the world. –(Matt. 5:13-16)

The Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit upon the church in all nations around the world, in every city, and in every place. They shall be outpourings of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon the church; this is the vision of the church around the world. –(Acts 2:17-18)

These signs will follow the church around the world, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, walking in the gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God, this is a vision of the church around the world. –(MK. 16:17-18)

Jesus said the church will do greater works then He did on the earth, that in His name they will do greater works then He did in the four gospels. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(JN. 14:12-14)

It is the will of the Lord that the church lacks no gift or come short in no gift, this is a vision of the church in every city, in every nation, and the church around the world. –(1 Cor. 1:7)

The Church will come to the unity of the faith; this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Eph. 4:13)

The Church shall become a glorious church, full of glory, holy and without blemish; this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Eph. 5:27)

Jesus prayed a prophetic prayer, which is a prophecy about the church that the church will come into unity and oneness with God, and with one another. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(JN. 17)

Many nations shall come and say, come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, the Kingdom of God, to the house of the Lord, the church, and He will teach us His ways, for out of the church will come revelation. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(Micah 4:2, Isa. 2:3)

I will fill the church with glory, the glory of the latter church shall be greater than the former; in this place I will give peace. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(Hag. 2:7-9)

The Lord shall build up the church, and He shall appear in His glory, this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Psa. 102:16)

Isaiah 60 the vision of glory, wealth, is a vision of the church around the world.

The Lord want give this vision to hearts of His people in all nations and in all cities, for them to believe, and pray forth, and walk and run with this vision of the church around the world.

The Church has you know of will change, and the face of the church will change in one generation, and this is only the beginning, and God is moving in the Holy Spirit in all nations and all cities, He is moving by the Holy Spirit in the church around the world.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Church Around The World part two

The Church Around The World part two

Elvis Iverson
June 8, 2007

In vision I see the roundtable meeting of the seated apostles and prophets. I see them in prayer, intercession, and supplication for the church, for the Kingdom and for the nations and cities around the world.

I see a vision of a seed that as already been planted. It has been planted in the hearts of apostles and prophets in the church around the world. I see from this seed roots grow forth in their hearts and in the hearts of many believers in Christ, I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying these are the company of believers who are called the faithful and the fruitful. From this seed grow the roots, and from this seed begun to come forth the new apostolic city church in many cities around the world, and then in all cities around the world. This is a great movement of movements of all time.

Now I see a vision of a greater seed, this is the seed of life to all other seeds and plants of God. This seed was planted by Christ in the hearts of the first fruits, now in this generation the last will be first, and the first will be last, will come a generation of a new first fruits of the seed that Christ planted. This is greater then all things, all movements, greater then the church and the world. This seed has been growing and increasing throughout the world since Christ planted this seed long ago in the hearts of the first fruits. What is this seed? This seed is the Kingdom of God.

I see a vision of a seed planted in believers around the world, this seed is the marketplace church, this seed is a forerunner for many social transformations that is coming upon many nations, many cities around the world, and this seed is a forerunner for a life of social transformation to always be, grow and increase.

I see a vision of a seed that has been planted, this seed is called the new apostolic church, and this seed will grow into a living vine, and will become many vines into one vine. This vine will connect around the seed of the new apostolic city church, seed of the marketplace church, and the seed of the Kingdom of God.

I see a vision of gates of praise being built all over the church around the world, and I see walls of salvation be built all over the church around the world.

I see vision of gates that begun to widening by the will of God, the acts of the Holy Spirit and prayers of the saints.

I see a gate widen over India. I see many, many, many, many, great numbers coming, coming, and coming to the Lord. It is like mighty rivers of souls coming into the church.

I see Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Begun to open wide to the gospel, I hear these words is this revival, then I hear the Holy Spirit say this is life.

I see a gate widen, widen more, widen even more over China. I see great huge numbers flowing into the church. I see so great numbers of souls, I rejoice then the Holy Spirit says see I hear your prayers.

I see Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, and Papua New Guinea, These nations open to the gospel, and the freedom of the Spirit, I see great harvests of soul coming out of these nations, The Holy Spirit says I decided to take over these nations, and bring many to Christ, and raise up the church to new levels in Christ.

Then I hear these words from the Holy Spirit; this is only the beginning.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Church Around The World part one

The Church Around The World part one

Elvis Iverson
June 3, 2007

The Holy Spirit is flowing a prophetic river of prayer through many intercessors around the world, this prophetic river of prayer is increasing and windows are opening over these faithful prayer warriors, and tastes of what is coming is coming upon them.

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of seated apostles and prophets, I see them seeing revelations, visions, and prophecy, and then I see them praying making intercession, and supplication. I see a vision of the Godhead in their midst, the manifestation of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit is upon them, and among them, they are in fellowship with the Throne Room, and I see a vision of the Bride of Christ in the presence of the seated apostles and prophets.

I see a vision of the Church around the world; I see many clouds of glory, and of the Spirit over the church, I see many pillars of clouds and many pillars of fire. I see a huge and great cloud that will cover the whole church, and from this huge and great cloud will come rains, fires, rivers, anointings, blessings, and movements of God. I ask the Lord what is this huge and great cloud, and He said this is the anointing and grace of the open heaven over the whole church.

I see a vision of a greater company of prophets that will come forth, but they will love and hear the other prophets from other prophetic movements of the Holy Spirit.

I see vision into this holy company of prophets. I see vision of prophets who stand upon their watch post faithfully; these are like Habakkuk, Haggle, and Malachi. The next ones I see are like Daniel in governments. The third are like Samuel in reformation, the forth are like Agabus in networking, the fifth is signs prophets in signs and wonders, sixth is revival prophets in revival, and the seventh are is missionary prophets, that minister to the nations. All these prophets are one on the Lord.

Then I see a vision of a coming company of holy apostles that come forth, Abraham an apostle to nations, Joseph an apostle to the marketplace, Moses an apostle in reformation, Solomon an apostle in building the houses of the Lord, Ezra an apostle of the house of the Lord, and Nehemiah an apostle of the city, and the revival apostle, all these apostles had the signs of an apostles as an river of life. All these apostles are on in the Lord.

I see these two companies become one in fellowship, the prophets submit to the apostles, and the apostles hear the prophets. This is a foundational movement of the Spirit. The Lord wants to establish an international global foundation of the apostles and the prophets in the church around the world.

I see a vision of the church around the world: I see the church around the world as a city of light built upon a great mountain called the Kingdom of God. I see this city of God raise up in every city, in every nation, in glory, revival, in reformation, in signs and wonders, in revelation, in prophetic, in unity, in vision, and in anointing.

I see the gates of hell and the gates of kingdom of darkness begin to fall all over the world, those gates and doors of hell and the kingdom of darkness will no longer stand before the church.

I see a vision of certain nations that has stood against the church for years, will become a plain before the Lord, and these governments will become clay in the hands of the saints.

I see a vision of seven mountains before the church, and I see the Kingdom of God arise in the hearts of the saints in all nations, and I see the Kingdom of God become greater then these mountains, and these mountains become nothing before the Great Mountain called the Kingdom of God, and The Kingdom of God took over these functions, and these function became holy before the world, and the kings of the Kingdom rule over these mountains, and these kingdoms become the kingdoms of our Christ in the Kingdom of God, and these mountains became fruitful in the Lord.

Now I see a vision of the Church around the world; I see 12 likenesses coming to the church around the world. Likeness in reformation, likeness in revival, likeness in unity, likeness in prayer, likeness in the city church, likeness in the Kingdom, likeness in the apostolic, likeness in the prophetic, likeness in signs and wonders, likeness in harvest, likeness in worship, likeness in marketplace. These 12 likenesses are like banners of the Lord over the church around the world.

The Church around the world will arise and become great; there will be more growth, more increase, and more maturity then any other generation before this one. The church grows inside in maturity and the church grows outward an increase.

I see a vision of the church around the world, The Church shall become a moving rock of grace and supernatural, the world will become an river of anointing, that this moving rock can move upon, and I see ships on this and I see the church becoming like a rock and then hitting these ships, and all things on these ships was taking upon the moving rock.

I see a vision of the church like moving block of ice, not moving by the ocean of humanity, instead moving by the wind of the Holy Spirit, and any ship flowing upon the ocean of humanity will be hit by this block of ice and all things on these ships will belong to the church.

I see a vision of the church like a block of ice flowing by the winds of the Holy Spirit upon the ocean of humanity and this great block of ice begun to melt upon the ocean of humanity and the ocean of humanity begun to change the water of the ocean of humanity begun to change. The water from the block of ice filled the whole ocean of humanity.

I see a vision of the church is like a block of ice; this block of ice is filled with the water of life, and wine of revelation, and the blood of Christ. As this block of ice begin to melt into the ocean of humanity of the world begun to change under the pressures of the Presence of the Lord.

The Holy Spirit say the church around the world will change and never be the same, the church today, the church in the past, will not be the church that will come in this generation, the whole church will not be anything like the church today within a generation. If you seen this church today you will not be say it is a church in your mindset, but the Lord will say this is His church.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved