Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Reign of Christ

The Reign of Christ Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see a vision of the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, I see glory, light, and fire that covers the Face of God the Father, and at the Right Hand of God, I see our Lord Jesus Christ looking at us, looking at each one of us, looking at all of us, I feel His love, His peace, His joy flowing from Him through and upon us. I see the Rock of Christ which the revelation of who is Jesus Christ, and from this Rock the Kingdom of God begun on the earth, and through the outpourings of the Holy Spirit, the hearts of the believers, the ministry of the kings of the Kingdom, the Kingdom increase, and when the Kingdom increase and the church increase. I see the Joel Army arise in the earth to take and possess the seven mountains of the world, I see the outpourings of the Spirit, and I see the ministry of the Seven Spirits of God, and I see the release of the seven watchers, and I see outpouring of armies of angels. These fruits of the out flow of the increase of the Kingdom of God: The seven mountains of a city, region, state, nation is won and maintain. The city church arises in many cities, revivals, massive harvests of souls; continue signs and wonders, social reformation and social transformation. I see a vision of 50 nations won to the church, some gently won, some won very fast, and I see these nations change over time, and the churches of these nations change over time. Then I see a huge pouring out of missionaries among many nations, and all nations, these missionaries are not just preaching missionaries but they are missionaries, then I see 50 more nations come to the Lord, and then I see another 50 nations come to the Lord. How long will this take, the first will take longer, and then the second will take shorter, and the third will take a short time, but maturity and fruitfulness will take time. How about Israel? I will send waves of angels upon her, I will rise up apostles and prophets, and I will rise up the apostolic church, and I will increase the harvest of souls, and I will bring unity between Jewish apostles and Prophets and Gentiles. I will rise up houses of prayer and worship in Israel, and I will bring revivals there, and I will give peace to Israel. How long will this take? Some a long time, some a short time, and some soon. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Meetings of Word and Spirit

The Meetings of Word and Spirit Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see a vision of a cloud come down upon a group of grace, truth and Spirit. This group is a group of submitted apostles and prophets and from this cloud came anointing and favor upon this group called Alpha and Omega. From this cloud came a wind of grace and power. The first meetings were meetings of apostles doctrine, soaking presence, Word Knowledge, healing angels, angelic visitation. These meetings were in America and Philippines. The second meetings were meetings of signs and wonders, Word revelation, prophetic words, and signs and wonders, and the ministering angels. There meetings were in America, Philippines, and India. The third meetings were meetings of impartation, plantation, signs and wonders, teaching, prophecy, visions and ministering angels. These meetings were in America and Europe. The fourth meetings were meetings were soaking presence, angelic visitation, signs and wonders, teaching and visions. These meetings were in America, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Fiji, and Taiwan. The fifth meetings were meetings of healing angels, ministering angels, angelic visitation, prophecy, visions, Words of Knowledge, teaching, and signs and wonders. These meetings were in Canada, America, Europe, and Israel. The sixth meetings were meetings of signs and wonders, holy drunkenness, teaching, prophecy, and angelic ministering. These meetings were in America and India. The seventh meetings were healing, signs and wonders, miracles, and soaking presence, and ministering angels, and teaching. These meetings were in America, Philippines, India, and Europe. I see at each of these meetings the winds of the Spirit came from the cloud, and there was the breaker anointing and signs and wonders!!! Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The House of Apostles Doctrine

The House of Apostles Doctrine Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see angels coming down from the Third Heaven, I see a prophet prophesy many prophetic words and upon these words the angels went to work day and night they worked, as they worked they sing song and worship the Most High God. I see an apostle who builds with the words of his mouth, and from his mouth came supernatural hands that craft the will of God, the work of God, the ministry of the Word, and the ministry of the apostles and the prophets. I see a vision of a house arising in the earth. I see the angels building this house, I see the first room is prayer and worship and soaking. The second room is soaking presence and revival. The third room is training the Five-Fold Ministry. The fourth room is the children ministry. The fifth room is the gathering of apostles and prophets. The sixth room is missions and outreach. The seventh room is the meetings of Word and Spirit. The eighth room is the publication of the Word and the Spirit. The nine rooms are the ministry of home churches. The tenth room is youth ministry. The eleventh room is prophetic ministry. The twelfth is apostolic ministry. The thirteenth is marketplace church. The fourth room is the ministry to the masses. I see from this house networks of the Spirit is birth throughout the earth, and I see an outpouring of home churches in each of these nations. I see those called to the ministry of the apostle, prophet, teacher come from around the earth to be taught and listen and train. I see many believers coming from around America and from many nations to hear and soak in the Presence of God. I see many church leaders, believers, apostles and prophets come and visit and receive. I see the beginnings of this house, and I see the increase of this house; the first increase is 1000’s the second increase over 10.000’s and the third increase is over 50.000’s I see a cloud in the Third Heaven come and rest upon this house and rest and seated upon this house and hearts of its people and those who come apart of the grace of this house and those who visit shall be touch by God. I see rivers of the Spirit flow from this house unto the church and the nations, I see angels flow from the Third Heaven and flow with these rivers of the Spirit, and I see a huge open heaven over this house that no one can close. I see a door in the Third Heaven open to this house that no one can close; I see open doors and open gates to the church and the nations that no one can close. I see angels standing guard around and over this house, and I see the angel of this house standing watch over this house. His name is Emmaus an angel of revelation, signs and wonders, soaking presence, revival, harvest, favor, and wealth. He is ten times bigger than any man on earth. He carries sword, an ax, a hummer, a shield, a spear, and a bow. He speaks in angelic tongues at 5am every day, and at the beginning of the watch hours. Then I see some other angels; the first is an angel of revelation, the second is an angel of healing, the third is an angel of revival, the fourth is an angel of wealth and favor, the fifth is an angel of apostolic, signs of the apostles. The sixth is an angel of signs and wonders. The seventh is an angel of harvest. The eight of an angel of the bliss gifts of God. The ninth is an angel of the gifts of the Spirit. The tenth is an angel of the deep prophetic. The eleventh is angel of peace, joy, rest, soaking presence, holy drunkenness, and love. The twelfth is angel of masses, mass meetings, publication, and mass publication. These angels went to and fro from this house to the four corners of the earth and back every week. Then I look outside of this house I see a fort and a camp of angels standing by and watching over this house. This is the house of apostles, house of prophets, house of fathers, house of wine and fire, and a house of the meat of the Word and Spirit. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

The Future of the Philippines

The Future of the Philippines Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see a vision of an army of angels fly across the Philippines; I see an outpouring of angelic ministers upon the church, the believers, the people, and the nation. I see meetings of freedom, deliverance, inner healing, divine healing, miracles, signs and wonders. I see the rise of new apostolic wineskins and I see the pouring out of new apostles wines. I see the meetings of Word and Spirit, and I see the wine of the Spirit, the wine of revival, the wine of signs and wonders, the wine of the prophetic, the wine of teaching, the wine of holy drunkenness. These meetings happen every year for some time. I see huge meetings of signs and wonders happening for weeks at a time. I see an outpouring of home churches, and I see many harvests of souls coming into these home churches. I see restoration and healing of the lands. I see meetings of signs and wonders, I see meetings of the gifts of the Spirit, I see meetings of the bliss gifts of God, and I see meetings of soaking presence of God. I see rivers of revivals flow from the Throne of God throughout the church, the believers, the people, and the nation. I see the restoration of generations; I see the restoration of family, I see the restoration of life and happiness. I see the cities of the Philippines and above them are clouds of the Spirit raining revival, glory, new wine, joy, peace, angels, love, mercy, grace, signs and wonders. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Future of India

The Future of India Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see a vision of northern India, I see an army of angels warring for many years, and many generations until the breakthrough came, then I see anointing flow from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven upon Northern India, and I see many angels flow with this anointing. I begin to see small changes that lead to big changes that lead to great changes. I see an outpouring of home churches and apostles, prophets, signs and wonders. I see a river of souls coming into these home churches, I see great numbers being saved and flowing as a river into these home churches. I hear the apostles teach and flow in signs and wonders, I hear the prophets teach and flow in signs and wonders, I see huge meetings that go beyond weeks, and I see the cloud of the Spirit over these meetings. These I see a river of water come from the Throne of God upon India, I see life, healing, restoration, joy, and happiness. I see a river of wine flow from the Throne of God upon India, and I see revivals all over India. I see the new apostolic wineskins arise in anointing, signs, wonders, teaching, peace, and joy. I see in southern India many souls, many souls, many souls come to the Lord, and I see a great number of home churches. I see the oil, the water and wine flow throughout India and the church of India. Then I hear someone say is this the revival that you prophesy, not that great revival is still coming, this is the kiss of God. I see a city in India where there will be meetings that will happen every year; there will be Word Revelation prophetic revelation, signs and wonders, holy drunkenness, apostles doctrine, impartation, and plantation. Many angels will minister in these meetings. Then someone ask what are these meetings, I say the Word and the Spirit meetings. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

The Future of Europe

The Future of Europe Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 In a vision I see life arise in many parts of Europe, then I see more life parts arise, and I see more life parts arise, each life part has a river of life that flows to the community around them, then I see an outpouring of home churches, then I see an outpouring of home churches, then I see a great outpouring of home churches, and then I see a great outpouring of home churches, and I see a massive outpouring of home churches all over Europe. Then I see waves of angelic activity sweep throughout Europe, and divine changes sweep throughout Europe, and I see outpourings of home churches. I see huge numbers coming to the Lord, I see great numbers coming to the Lord, and I see massive numbers coming to the Lord. I see an army of kings and priests arise in Europe and America and other nations, to bring healing, restoration, transformation, and society reformation to cities and nations around the earth. I see the meetings of Word and Spirit, and I see the wine of the Spirit, the wine of revival, the wine of signs and wonders, the wine of the prophetic, the wine of teaching, the wine of holy drunkenness. These meetings happen every year for some time. I see huge meetings going on for weeks at a time; I see these meetings are signs and wonders, and holy drunkenness, soaking, and teaching. I see huge meetings going on for long periods of times; these were worship, prayer and soaking meetings. I see the rain of the Spirit upon many cities in Europe, and I see these cities filled with green of life. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Future of America

The Future of America Elvis Iverson July 24, 2013 I see a vision from an outpouring of prayers of Jesus from the Right Hand of God the Father over America; it is the prayers of Jesus that shall change America. Then I see outpourings of angels and supernatural acts of God. I see the meetings of Word and Spirit, and I see the wine of the Spirit, the wine of revival, the wine of signs and wonders, the wine of the prophetic, the wine of teaching, the wine of holy drunkenness. These meetings happen every year for some time. Then I see a house built, where the believers from all over the nation and the earth come to hear the teaching of the apostles and prophets. I see a river of signs and wonders flow throughout the church in America and the nation. I see an outpouring of home churches, I see outpourings of upon outpouring of home churches, and I see great huge numbers of harvest of souls, I see harvest upon harvest, that could not number, that you could not be govern, that you could only watch and be thankful. From this great number of home churches came rivers of life, rivers of signs and wonders, rivers of wine, rivers of healing, and rivers of revivals flow throughout the nation and the earth. I see the arise of most holy zones in America, no one who is religious in their mind, in their group will not be allow to enter, only the humble in mind can come, only those groups that are humble in mind can come. I see the pure and undefiled religion will be birth in our hearts and manifest as a river of Word, Spirit, unity, and life. I see waves of Word, wine, Spirit, love, and life will sweep across this nation many times. I see the restoration of many generations, and I see the restoration of generational blessings, and I see the restoration of fathers and mothers, I see the restoration of fathers, I see the restoration of family, and I see the restoration of love, mercy, and compassion. Copyright © 2013 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved